You’ve cleaned the inside and outside of your vehicle and removed the bothersome crumbs and smudges from the windshield, but how are your tires doing? Due to how often you use your tires, there is a good chance that they need more care. Tire cleaning is straightforward and can be completed in four simple steps.
The only portion of your car that makes contact with the road is the tires. As a result, they are usually the first item to become dirty. And although a little dirt and filth won’t hurt, what may be hidden behind it could—think nails, sidewall fissures, and uneven or poor tread wear. Follow these four simple steps to discover if you need new tires from Firestone Complete Auto Care by thoroughly cleaning your tires.
Gather all of your tools and materials.
You will need a bucket, microfiber cloths, a hose, and spray nozzle, and a soft-bristled brush to begin cleaning your tires. For a better clean, use a light-duty pressure washer, a waxing mitt, and a wheel brush.
Utilize nonabrasive cleaning chemicals such as dish detergent, warm water, and wheel wax. If you want to learn how to clean car tires organically, mix white vinegar and baking soda in a 70/30 ratio.
After gathering your equipment and materials, use your spray nozzle or the lowest pressure washer setting to remove all loose dirt (if you have one). Use the water from different angles — above, below, and both sides—to remove as much filth as possible from the rim’s inside.
After rinsing the tire’s surface, scrape it well. Start with the tires and then proceed on to the wheels to prevent tire filth from dripping onto a freshly cleaned wheel face. Scrub the tire with a bristle brush, warm water, and dish soap (about a tablespoon of soap per gallon of water). Allow the soap mixture to remain on the tire for a few minutes to soften any stubborn dirt. Then, clean and rinse as many times as necessary.
Once your tyros are gleaming, you may begin cleaning the wheel’s surface. Wet the wheel face and scrub everything with a brush dipped in warm, soapy water. Pour equal amounts of white vinegar and water into a spray bottle, and then spritz the solution onto the wheels to remove stains.
Use a smaller brush to remove stubborn stains from the wheels, and then dry the tire and wheel well with a clean microfiber towel.
Although a wax application is optional, it is the ideal final step for achieving the best-looking tires. For optimal results, use a cream or paste wax with a waxing mitt, taking care to adhere to the container’s recommendations. After applying the wax, buff it with a microfiber cloth for a final gloss, and be amazed at the result!
Tire cleaning is essential if you want your automobile to look its best! Since tires are the only element of your car that contacts the road while you’re driving, keeping them clean may need a bit more attention than the rest of your vehicle.
In addition to being aesthetically unappealing, unclean wheels are also susceptible to corrosion and other forms of harm. Long-term exposure to dirt and grime can cause wheel coatings to peel and even make rims more porous (which could create tire pressure leaks).
Cleaning your tires every two months will help eliminate the salt, dust, and oil accumulation that is a normal part of driving and maintain your car in excellent condition for years to come.
Commercial vehicle washes are obligated by law to recycle grey water and properly dispose of cleaning products, so whenever possible, choose a commercial car wash.
Verify that your tires have cooled before applying cleaning solutions after driving.
Designate certain towels for cleaning and drying your tires, and do not use these towels for washing other car components.

Chris Miller is an auto journalist who specializes in reviewing new cars and providing helpful advice on family vehicles. He has a passion for cars and enjoys sharing his knowledge and expertise with others.